
BRI October General Membership Meeting – “From Crisis to Green Opportunity: Sustainable Westchester and the Green Business Partnership”

Event Details

  • Date/Time: Thursday, October 22nd, 2020 from 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm

TOPIC: From Crisis to Green Opportunity: Sustainable Westchester and the Green Business Partnership

First, Sustainable Westchester, a BRI member, has launched a new Commercial Clean Heating and Cooling campaign to spread the word about a new surge in incentive programs by NYSERDA, Con Edison and manufacturers on clean heating & cooling solutions for existing and new multifamily buildings. Particularly given the pandemic’s impact on the industry, there is a new focus on clean heating and cooling solutions will play in the transition to a clean energy future for the region.

Exact Speakers TBD.

Then, Dani Glaser of the Green Business Partnership will discuss the increased opportunity for local businesses to demonstrate that they are becoming industry leaders by using fewer resources, doing more with less, and improving profitability at the same time by becoming a certified green business — including the BRI office itself!. She’ll give an overview of the process for businesses and buildings to measure their impact and improve their performance in organizational commitment, energy, waste & recycling, green purchasing, transportation, land use, and water.

We’ll begin with informal networking and discussion at 5:30 PM.

The main program will begin at 6:00 PM.

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