Sexual Harassment Prevention Training
BRI is hosting its first two Sexual Harassment Prevention Training of 2021 on Wednesday, March 24 and Wednesday, May 19, each at 9:30 am.
This training is an interactive workshops conduced by labor law attorney Matt Persanis of Elefante & Persanis, LLP. It satisfies the requirements of the New York state mandate that all employees be trained annually in sexual harassment prevention, and those who complete the training will receive a certificate for your files.
Because of the pandemic, this training will be hosted on Zoom. Attendance is limited to ensure that we can maintain some amount of discussion and interaction as required by the state guidance for these types of trainings. Registration is offered on a first come, first served basis. A video camera on each trainee’s computer, tablet, or smartphone is required for participation.
This training takes approximately 90 minutes. It is open to all BRI member businesses or buildings (condos or co-ops) that are current in their dues and provided free of charge for as many as we can accommodate.