All Employers Need to Be Fully Prepared to Avoid Potential Judicial Problems with the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)
Employers of all types must conduct
processes of preparation in efforts to avoid
possible litigation problems associated with
the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA).
That was the message stressed by Matthew
Persanis, Esq., chief labor counsel to The
Building and Realty Institute (BRI), at a Jan. 18
building and realty industry meeting.
“The FLSA covers Overtime Payments, Record-Keeping Provisions and puts onerous requirements
on employers,” Persanis said. “Employers must consistently keep thorough and accurate time and
payment records in efforts to be prepared for possible problems and potential enforcement actions
associated with the FLSA.”
“Documentation on the part of employers regarding the payroll payments, work schedules and routines of employees is so very important, as is the need to follow the guidelines of the FLSA,”
Persanis said. “We cannot stress that message enough, to all employers.”
Copies of the presentation by Persanis are available by calling the BRI offices at (9 14) 273-0730. Requests will also be accepted through